ScottyCon Code of Conduct
General Code of Conduct
ScottyCon is a family-friendly convention run by students and affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University. The safety of our attendees is our highest priority, and we want to create an environment where everyone can enjoy themselves. Please respect those around you and maintain a basic standard of decency at all times.
ScottyCon does not tolerate harassment of any kind. Harassment is defined as derogatory comments, stalking, aggressive behavior, unnecessary intentional physical contact of others, or altercations of any sort. Harassment may result in ejection from the convention without refund at the discretion of the executive board. We encourage anyone who feels that they are being harassed to report to a staff member. If you see any suspicious behavior, please report it to a staff member or a CMU security officer immediately.
Please do not damage the convention space and keep your noise level low when attending our convention. The convention is held in a space shared with other members of the CMU community and should be treated as a shared space. Disrupting others in our convention space can jeopardize our ability to hold ScottyCon in future years, so please be respectful of those around you and follow the university’s policies on noise. More information on CMU’s noise policy can be found here.
While at ScottyCon, please be considerate of other attendees and try not to block the main walkways throughout the venue. We are expecting a high volume of attendees, so it is important to keep entrances, exits, stairwells, and elevators accessible. If someone asks you for a photo, please step out of the way of traffic so that others can still get by.
Outside food and drink are allowed in our convention space. However, consumption of alcohol at our event is prohibited. Additionally, if you attend our convention visibly intoxicated, you will not be allowed into the venue, and we reserve the right eject you from the venue without refund.
Pets will not be permitted inside ScottyCon unless the animal is a service animal. Per university policy, all service animals must be properly harnessed, leashed, tethered or otherwise controlled at all times. Failure to adhere to the service animal rules may result in the animal being removed from the convention.
In general, ScottyCon adheres to all CMU rules regarding campus behavior, noise, and acceptable items to have on campus. Additionally, all local, state, and federal rules apply inside the confines of the event. If you have any questions not covered by the policies listed here, you can contact us at conegiemellon@andrew.cmu.edu or refer to CMU’s community policies here.
Children Policy
All children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Please do not leave your child unattended in any part of the convention hall. We recommend that all young children have a parent or guardian’s contact information on their person in the event that they get separated from each other. Please contact a volunteer member if you cannot find your child during our event.
There are bathrooms on all levels of the Cohon University Center. All-gender restrooms can be located on the first floor of the University Center in floor plan rooms 145, 146E, 147, and 179. More information on all-gender restrooms can be found here.
Reasonable Accommodations
ScottyCon hopes to make our event accessible to everyone and will try to accommodate any disability needs as much as possible. Elevators are located outside the main convention hall on the 2nd floor and next to the information desk on the 1st floor. You can see the elevators marked with two “Es” on the map of the university center here. There will be signs pointing to elevators at most of the entrances to the university center. If you have any other accommodation needs for the convention, please email conegiemellon@andrew.cmu.edu and we will do our best to find a solution, though we cannot guarantee accommodations on short notice.
Parking and Transportation
CMU’s Cohon University Center is easily accessible by bus by taking the 61A, 61B, 61C, 61D, 67, or 69 to Forbes Avenue + Morewood (Carnegie Mellon University). It is also accessible by bus by taking the 58, 71B, or 71D to Fifth Avenue + Morewood Avenue, and then walking south on Morewood Avenue until Carnegie Mellon campus. There will be signs near the Cohon University Center entrances to guide you to ScottyCon.
Parking is free in the Morewood Parking Lot on the weekends, but it is on a first come, first serve basis. Spots in this lot are limited, so try to get there early if you are driving in. If Morewood Parking Lot is full, parking is also available in the East Campus Garage. The rate is $9 for the day for non-CMU affiliates and free for those using a CMU ID card to enter the garage. Additional information about nearby parking lots and parking rates can be found on CMU’s Parking and Transportation website here.
Dress Code
ScottyCon is a family-friendly convention, and thus we ask that attendees dress appropriately so that all attendees may feel welcome. ScottyCon reserves the right to remove you from the convention without refund if we find that your attire violates our dress code or the university’s dress code.
All genitalia must be covered in its entirety at all times. The coverage must remain in place while moving, bending, posing, etc. Additionally, any outline of genitalia that is visible underneath clothing is not permitted.
Footwear must be worn at all times in our venue.
All attendees must wear a shirt covering at all times, regardless of gender. Shirts with some mesh are allowed if they cover the required areas. Nipple covers or capes are not appropriate substitutes for shirt coverings.
Attire with obscene imagery or profanity will not be allowed in the convention, no exceptions. Please use your best judgment when choosing clothes to wear to ScottyCon.
Ahegao attire is not allowed at ScottyCon in any form. If you come to the convention wearing ahegao hoodies, hats, pants, or any other garment, you will not be allowed in the venue until you have removed the offending article of clothing. If you do not have alternative clothing that fall in line with ScottyCon’s dress code, you will be asked to leave.
Cosplay Policy
All cosplay worn must follow the dress code laid out above, with no exceptions. We stress that ScottyCon is a family-friendly convention. If your cosplay would be considered inappropriate for a family-friendly event, please leave the costume at home. For cosplays with excessive skin, nude bodysuits underneath the cosplay can be worn to comply with our rules. We ask that you use your best judgment in deciding if a cosplay is family-friendly or not, but if you have any issues, please contact us at scottycon@andrew.cmu.edu.
If possible, it is best to show up to the convention in your cosplay. The Cohon University Center where ScottyCon is held has bathrooms on each floor, but they should only be used as changing rooms as a last resort. Be considerate of others who may need to use the facilities; do not leave behind makeup or cosplay parts in the bathroom. The convention floor is not a changing area. Do not remove your clothing or change in public spaces.
If your cosplay has excessive makeup, body paint, or liquids like fake blood, you are required to have it properly sealed using makeup setting spray or some other sealant. This rule is to ensure that your cosplay does not rub off or stain the venue, clothing, or other attendees. If we see your cosplay rubbing off on the environment around you, you may be asked to change.
Cosplay is not consent. Do not touch or interact with a cosplayer without their consent, including taking pictures. If you as a cosplayer feel that someone is acting inappropriately with you and making you uncomfortable, please let a staff member know immediately.
Props and Weapons Policy
Due to the size of our venue, large props will not be allowed. This restriction also applies to accessories worn on the body i.e. Vi (League of Legends) gauntlets. If the prop can cause issues with traffic flow or block other attendees from navigating the convention, it will not be allowed.
Weapons made of foam, wood, and plastic can be permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to others around you. Items that may trip others, items that can snag on people or surroundings, items that obstruct doors and hallways will not be allowed. Weapons that are made of metal are not allowed in the convention. Metal armor may be allowed as long as there are no sharp edges and as long as it does not pose a safety risk. Other weapons that are not permitted include projectile weapons, compound bows, paddles, nunchaku, and items that may have explosives or chemicals, such as sparklers or smoke powder.
ScottyCon will not allow any firearms props at our convention. Please do not bring props that resemble real firearms, even if they have a non-removeable orange tip.
Any weapon that is misused in our venue is subject to confiscation.
If the item is illegal in the state of Pennsylvania or the city of Pittsburgh, the item is illegal at ScottyCon. Please refer to state and local laws if you have any questions on allowed items.
Photography Policy
Participants in ScottyCon events are granting their permission to be photographed or recorded by authorized ScottyCon individuals. By purchasing your membership you inherently grant ScottyCon permission to use such images or footage for archival or promotional purposes.
ScottyCon has no restrictions on photography using handheld equipment as long as the usage of that equipment does not impair foot traffic and the overall administration of the event. Please be considerate of those around you and ask for permission if you want to take pictures of other people. Attendees and staff have the right to maintain their privacy; please get permission before taking photographs of other individuals. Pennsylvania is a two-party consent state. You are not permitted to record panels or individuals without their written consent.
Bag Policy
Bags, backpacks, and purses are allowed in the venue. However, ScottyCon is not responsible for any unattended or lost bags. If you have lost a bag in the convention hall, please speak to a staff member to see if it has been turned in or check the university’s lost and found on the first floor level of the Cohon University Center.